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Date photo taken
24 March 2021
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Photo credit
Photo courtesy of Rodrigo Barahona
From Rodrigo Barahona, an EMU sophomore who met with staff of Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia, said:
As much as we can change our lifestyle to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness, we cannot deny that policies play a massive role in the way environmental issues are handled in a country. I think that meetings such as this one are essential in that they provide a unique opportunity of connecting with those who have the capacity to achieve major strides on any particular issue in a country. While meetings might have felt short and inconsequential to some, just the act of letting policymakers know what we, the public, deem as important could make a big difference in the long run.
He learned about advocating for climate change from Clara Weybright, a Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions Climate Futures fellow, in partnership with Mennonite Central Committee, taught EMU students how to advocate to the U.S. Congress for action on climate change and encourages others to follow their examples.