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Named person(s)
Tiara Asrilita
Date photo taken
06 October 2021
Country of origin
Photo credit
Photo courtesy of Tiara Asrilita
Tiara Asrilita, a 2021 YAMENer from Indonesia serving in Kenya at a Catholic primary school.
Personal/Project impact
Tiara Asrilita, a YAMENer from Indonesia serving in Kenya, connects to Kingdom of Glory JKI Immanuel church in Indonesia through a WhatsApp group. She receives a devotional from her pastor every day and exchanges greetings with church members.
“I fear a little bit, but Jesus protects me,” says Tiara Asrilita. “I am so grateful.”
Project Summary
The Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN) program is a joint program between Mennonite World Conference and Mennonite Central Committee. It places emphasis on expanding the fellowship between churches in the Anabaptist tradition and developing young leaders around the globe. Participants spend one year in a cross-cultural assignment starting in August and ending the following July.